Saturday, June 11, 2011

Dr. Web Security Space

Dr. Web Security Space Beta

Dr. Web Security Space Beta | 118 Mb

Dr. Web Security Space - best solution for comprehensive protection of PC from online threats: viruses, rootkits, worms, hacking utilities, computer scams, spam, phishing messages, infected web sites, and cyber-crime, anti-children. An important indicator of quality anti-virus program is not only its ability to find viruses, but also to treat them, not just delete the infected files, together with important information for the user, but return them to their original healthy condition.

Ability to work on already infected computer viruses, isolated and exceptional Dr. Web among all other similar programs. Intelligent spam filtering technology to Dr. Web Security Space, based on several thousands of rules, does not depend on the language of the written message. Anti-spam technologies Dr. Web help reduce the risk of getting the right messages in your Spam folder to a record in the industry minimum. Protocol HTTP, used for sending HTML-pages and their components (scripts, graphics, applets, etc.) browsers is one of the sources of viruses and malware on computers. Module SpIDer Gate in real time.

Key features:
* Improved! Detection and neutralization of viruses and malware on hard drives, removable media and memory
* Catching on the fly all the files on disks, diskettes, CD / DVD / Blue-ray drives, Flash-and smart-cards
* Improved! Protection against viruses that use rootkit-technology
* Improved! Detection and neutralization of viruses that exist in memory and never met in separate files
* Improved! Protection against unknown threats using technologies nesignaturnogo search Origins Tracing and predictive heuristic analyzer Dr. Web
* Improved! Identification of viruses in the files of any degree of nesting sites and packed
* New! Checking files compressed packers, including those not known, with the help technologists FLY-CODE
* Check incoming and outgoing mail for viruses protocols SMTP/POP3/NNTP/IMAP
* Protection from mass mailings to mail messages computer worms
* Filtering of spam, phishing, pharming, scamming, communications and technical spam
* New! Check the web pages in real time and secure downloading only "clean" content from the Internet
* New! Blocking phishing and other dangerous internet resources
* New! Blocking access to portable storage media, network devices, drives, as well as individual files and directories, which makes it impossible to delete or steal confidential information
* New! Blocking of sites by categories
* New! Protection against cyber-crime, anti-children
* Protection against theft of passwords to online games, social networks, systems, electronic money, credit cards
* Protection from falling into the bot-nety
* On-demand scanning / individual schedules audits PC
* Automatic updates



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